
compnay_details Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /org/residencekasbaoreeduparc
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
7 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
10 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
11 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
14 admin-org-enable /bm/admin/org/enable/{orgId} Path does not match
15 user-profile-update /bm/user/profile/update Path does not match
16 user-flyer-instagram /bm/org/download/instagram Path does not match
17 user-flyer-a5 /bm/org/download/a5 Path does not match
18 user-flyer-a4 /bm/org/download/a4 Path does not match
19 org-update-logo /bm/org/changeLogo Path does not match
20 org-profile /bm/org-profile Path does not match
21 user-profile /bm/user-profile Path does not match
22 org-params-invoice /bm/orgParams/invoice Path does not match
23 admin-regenrate-secret-code /admin/regenrateSecretCode/{orgId} Path does not match
24 admin_logs /logs Path does not match
25 read_log_file /read_log_file Path does not match
26 read_log_file_lazy /read_log_file_lazy/{filename} Path does not match
27 delete_log_file /delete_log_file Path does not match
28 admin_statex_totals /admin/statex/totals Path does not match
29 admin /admin Path does not match
30 admin_charts /admin/charts Path does not match
31 app_ag_cost_index /bm/ag/cost/ Path does not match
32 app_ag_cost_new /bm/ag/cost/new Path does not match
33 app_ag_cost_show /bm/ag/cost/{id} Path does not match
34 app_ag_cost_edit /bm/ag/cost/{id}/edit Path does not match
35 app_ag_cost_delete /bm/ag/cost/delete/{id} Path does not match
36 app_ag_dashboard /bm/ag/dashboard Path does not match
37 app_ag_dashboard_data /bm/ag/dashboard/data Path does not match
38 org_agenda /bm/agenda Path does not match
39 user_calendar /bm/user/calendar/ Path does not match
40 org_agenda_select2 /bm/agenda/select2 Path does not match
41 org_agenda_add_option /bm/agenda/new-option Path does not match
42 org_agenda_add_event /bm/agenda/new-event Path does not match
43 org_agenda_list /bm/agenda/list Path does not match
44 org_agenda_analytics /bm/agenda/analytics Path does not match
45 org_agenda_delete /bm/agenda/delete Path does not match
46 org_agenda_update-payment-method /bm/user/calnda/update-payment-method Path does not match
47 org_agenda_update_dates /bm/agenda/updateEventDates Path does not match
48 org_agenda_update_info /bm/agenda/updateEventInfo Path does not match
49 user_events /bm/user/calnda/search Path does not match
50 agreements-list /bm/agreements Path does not match
51 agreement /bm/agreement/new/{distId} Path does not match
52 agreement_new_submit /bm/agreement/submit Path does not match
53 agreement_view /bm/agreement/show/{agreementId} Path does not match
54 agreement_update_status /bm/agreement/updateStatus Path does not match
55 removeAccount /api/removeAccount Path does not match
56 checkLogin /api/checkLogin Path does not match
57 scanCoupon /api/scanCoupon Path does not match
58 listCoupon /api/coupons Path does not match
59 myCoupons /api/myCoupons Path does not match
60 listTags /api/tags Path does not match
61 orgDetails /api/orgDetails Path does not match
62 api-cities /api/cities Path does not match
63 api-filterCities /api/filterCities Path does not match
64 associateOrg /api/associateOrg Path does not match
65 subscribeToOrgsList /api/subscribeToOrgsList Path does not match
66 linkCoupon /api/coupons/link Path does not match
67 api-coupon-link /api/couponLink Path does not match
68 api-register /api/register Path does not match
69 api-reset-password /api/reset-password Path does not match
70 listAgreements /api/agreements Path does not match
71 agreementDetails /api/agreementDetails Path does not match
72 checkUpdate /api/checkUpdate Path does not match
73 listTopics /api/topics Path does not match
74 img_64 /api/img_64 Path does not match
75 imgAsb64 /api/imgAsb64 Path does not match
76 im64fromCache /api/im64fromCache Path does not match
77 blockOrg /api/blockOrg Path does not match
78 reportGeneration /api/reportGeneration Path does not match
79 blockedOrgs /api/blockedOrgs Path does not match
80 unblockOrg /api/unblockOrg Path does not match
81 notifClicked /api/notifClicked Path does not match
82 sendDeviceToken /api/sendDeviceToken Path does not match
83 sendLog /api/sendLog Path does not match
84 checkAssociations /api/checkAssociations Path does not match
85 followPac /api/followPac Path does not match
86 validatorCheckLogin /api/validator/checkLogin Path does not match
87 validatorSearchCoupon /api/validator/searchCoupon Path does not match
88 validatorValidateCoupon /api/validator/validateCoupon Path does not match
89 validatorScanUser /api/validator/scanUser Path does not match
90 validatorScanHistory /api/validator/scanHistory Path does not match
91 validatorAgreementDetails /api/validator/agreementDetails Path does not match
92 validator_img_64 /api/validator/img_64 Path does not match
93 ValidatorCheckUpdate /api/validator/checkUpdate Path does not match
94 validatornextTimeList /api/validator/nextTimeList Path does not match
95 associateCouponNextTime /api/validator/associateCouponNextTime Path does not match
96 subscription-action-check /bm/subscription/t/{type} Path does not match
97 subscriptions-list /bm/subscriptions Path does not match
98 subscription-new /bm/subscription/new/{id} Path does not match
99 org-billing /bm/billing Path does not match
100 billing-add-payment /bm/billing/payment/new Path does not match
101 messages /bm/messages Path does not match
102 messages-convs /bm/messages/convs Path does not match
103 app_client_space /client/ Path does not match
104 app_my_coupons /client/my-coupons Path does not match
105 app_coupon_detail /client/coupons/{id}/detail Path does not match
106 app_agreements /client/agreements Path does not match
107 app_agreement_show /client/agreements/{eid} Path does not match
108 app_my_orgs /client/my-orgs Path does not match
109 app_client_qr_code /client/qr_code Path does not match
110 app_coupon_link /client/coupon/link Path does not match
111 client-download-media /client/downloadMedia Path does not match
112 webAssociateOrg /client/client/associateOrg Path does not match
113 client-join /join Path does not match
114 client-coupon-link /client/coupon/link/{id} Path does not match
115 client-coupon-download /coupon/download/{id} Path does not match
116 download-apps /applications Path does not match
117 org-follow /follow/org/{refrerCode} Path does not match
118 follow-submit /client/follow/socialLogin Path does not match
119 follow-link /follow/org/{refrerCode}/link Path does not match
120 follow-success /follow/org/{refrerCode}/success Path does not match
121 compnay_add_post /org/post/add Path does not match
122 compnay_update_post /org/post/update Path does not match
123 compnay_remove_post /org/post/remove Path does not match
124 company_medias_upload /org/medias/upload Path does not match
125 company_medias_delete /org/medias/delete Path does not match
126 download-media /downloadMedia/{path} Path does not match
127 coupons_associate_form /bm/coupons/associate Path does not match
128 coupons_associate_new /bm/coupons/associate/new Path does not match
129 coupons-models-list /bm/coupons/models Path does not match
130 delete-model /bm/delete/model Path does not match
131 coupons_received /bm/coupons/received Path does not match
132 coupons_received_detail /bm/coupons/received/detail/{token} Path does not match
133 coupons_validate /bm/coupons/validate Path does not match
134 coupons_validate_submit /bm/coupons/validate/submit Path does not match
135 coupons_validate_find /bm/coupons/validate/find Path does not match
136 share_coupon_download /bm/share/coupon/download/{ids} Path does not match
137 validation_history /bm/validation/history Path does not match
138 validation_history_datatable /bm/validation/history/datatable Path does not match
139 coupons-updateEndDate /bm/coupons/updateEndDate Path does not match
140 coupons-remove /bm/coupons/remove Path does not match
141 coupons-models-uploadImg /bm/coupons/models/uploadImg Path does not match
142 coupons_sent /bm/coupons/sent Path does not match
143 coupons_gens_by_group /bm/coupons/gens_bygroup Path does not match
144 dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
145 tags-list /bm/tags Path does not match
146 howitworks /bm/comment-ça-marche Path does not match
147 cities-list /bm/cities Path does not match
148 download-asset /bm/downloadAsset/{path} Path does not match
149 org-members /bm/members Path does not match
150 devis_listing_received /bm/devis/received Path does not match
151 devis_listing_sent /bm/devis/sent Path does not match
152 devis_detail /bm/devis/{id}/detail Path does not match
153 devis_conv /bm/devis/{devisId}/conv Path does not match
154 devis_conv_new_msg /bm/devis/{devisId}/newMsg Path does not match
155 devis_resp_medias /bm/devis/upload/files Path does not match
156 devis_mail_detail /bm/devis/token/{token} Path does not match
157 devis_notify_by_mail /bm/devis/guest/notify Path does not match
158 editor-edit-model /bm/editor/model/edit/{modelId} Path does not match
159 editor-new-model /bm/editor Path does not match
160 editor-new-type /bm/editor/{type} Path does not match
161 editor-save /bm/editor/model/save Path does not match
162 gen_coupons_success /bm/coupons/gen/{id}/success Path does not match
163 gen_addCoupons /bm/gen/addCoupons Path does not match
164 coupons_nexttime_form /bm/gen/next_time_coupon Path does not match
165 coupons_nexttime_form_submit /bm/gen/next_time_coupon/submit Path does not match
166 next_time_coupon_sent /bm/gen/next_time_coupon/list Path does not match
167 next_time_coupon_associate /bm/gen/next_time_coupon/associate Path does not match
168 gen_RetrieveCoupons /bm/gen/RetrieveCoupons Path does not match
169 home /bm/ Path does not match
170 app_m_board_index /bm/board/ Path does not match
171 app_m_board_load /bm/board/load Path does not match
172 app_m_board_update /bm/board/update Path does not match
173 app_m_board_new /bm/board/new Path does not match
174 app_m_board_show /bm/board/{id} Path does not match
175 app_m_board_edit /bm/board/{id}/edit Path does not match
176 app_m_board_delete /bm/board/{id} Path does not match
177 app_m_calendar /bm/calendar/ Path does not match
178 app_m_calendar_new /bm/calendar/new Path does not match
179 app_m_calendar_new_submit /bm/calendar/new/submit Path does not match
180 app_m_calendar_list /bm/calendar/list Path does not match
181 app_m_calendar_show /bm/calendar/show/{id} Path does not match
182 app_m_calendar_edit /bm/calendar/update/{id} Path does not match
183 app_m_calendar_delete /bm/calendar/delete/{id} Path does not match
184 app_m_client_index /bm/clients/ Path does not match
185 app_m_client_table_ajax /bm/clients/table/ajax Path does not match
186 app_m_client_new /bm/clients/new Path does not match
187 app_m_client_ajax_list /bm/clients/ajax-list Path does not match
188 app_m_client_show /bm/clients/{id} Path does not match
189 app_m_client_edit /bm/clients/{id}/edit Path does not match
190 app_m_client_delete /bm/clients/{id} Path does not match
191 app_m_invoice_index /bm/invoices Path does not match
192 app_m_devis /bm/devis Path does not match
193 app_m_invoice_ajax /bm/invoice/ajax Path does not match
194 app_m_invoice_new /bm/doc/{type}/new Path does not match
195 app_m_invoice_new_sumit /bm/{type}/new/submit Path does not match
196 app_m_invoice_show /bm/invoice/{id} Path does not match
197 app_m_invoice_edit /bm/invoice/{id}/edit Path does not match
198 app_m_invoice_delete /bm/invoice/{id} Path does not match
199 app_m_product_index /bm/products/list Path does not match
200 app_m_product_datatable /bm/products/datatable Path does not match
201 app_m_product_json /bm/products/getProductJson/{id} Path does not match
202 app_m_product_search /bm/products/search/ajax Path does not match
203 app_m_product_new /bm/products/new Path does not match
204 app_m_product_show /bm/products/{id} Path does not match
205 app_m_product_edit /bm/products/{id}/edit Path does not match
206 app_m_product_delete /bm/products/{id} Path does not match
207 messages-latest /bm/messages/latest Path does not match
208 messages-new /bm/messages/new Path does not match
209 app_moderator /moderator Path does not match
210 app_moderator_partnership /moderator/link Path does not match
211 app_moderator_partnership_accept /moderator/link/accept Path does not match
212 notifications-list /bm/notifications Path does not match
213 notifications-count /bm/notifications/count Path does not match
214 notifications-seen-url /bm/notifications/seen Path does not match
215 delete-notification /bm/notifications/delete Path does not match
216 org_users_index /org-users/ Path does not match
217 org_users_new /org-users/new Path does not match
218 org_users_show /org-users/{id} Path does not match
219 org_users_edit /org-users/{id}/edit Path does not match
220 org_users_update_pwd /org-users/updatePwd/{id} Path does not match
221 org_users_delete /org-users/delete/{id} Path does not match
222 app_page /pages/{slug} Path does not match
223 partners /bm/partners Path does not match
224 subscribe /bm/subscribe/{distId} Path does not match
225 link-change-status /bm/link/update Path does not match
226 cancel-invitation /bm/invit/cancel/{linkId} Path does not match
227 devis_submit /devis/submit Path does not match
228 organization-new /organization/join Path does not match
229 organization-new-submit /organization/join/submit Path does not match
230 account-confirmation /register/confirm/{token} Path does not match
231 page /pages/{page} Path does not match
232 public_home / Path does not match
233 generic-page /p/{slug} Path does not match
234 home_b2b /devenir-partenaire Path does not match
235 public_cdu /conditions-generales-d-utilisation Path does not match
236 public_privicy_policy /politique-de-confidentialite Path does not match
237 public_orgs_listing /nos-partenaires Path does not match
238 contactus_submit /contactus/submit Path does not match
239 compnay_details /org/{slug} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.