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Log Messages

Level (7)
Channel (2)
Time Message
deprecation User Deprecated: The annotation mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0, please migrate to the attribute or XML driver. (AnnotationDriver.php:68 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:2426,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: In ORM 3.0, the AttributeDriver will report fields for the classes where they are declared. This may uncover invalid mapping configurations. To opt into the new mode also with the AnnotationDriver today, set the "reportFieldsWhereDeclared" constructor parameter to true. (AnnotationDriver.php:78 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:2426,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: Not enabling lazy ghost objects is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0. Ensure Doctrine\ORM\Configuration::setLazyGhostObjectEnabled(true) is called to enable them. (ProxyFactory.php:166 called by EntityManager.php:178,, package doctrine/orm)
info Connecting with parameters
  "driver" => "pdo_mysql"
  "host" => ""
  "port" => 3306
  "user" => "midner"
  "password" => "<redacted>"
  "driverOptions" => []
  "defaultTableOptions" => [
    "collation" => "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
  "dbname" => "pac_dev"
  "charset" => "utf8mb4"
deprecation Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property App\Service\ImagesService::$font is deprecated
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "App\Listner\DatabaseActivitySubscriber" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.

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Container Compilation Logs (0)

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